Monday, September 15, 2008

PBS Video Reaction

I left class on Thursday with a little bit of indecision on the whole topic about blogging and the future of how the news is reported online. Even though the video was made relatively recently, a lot of the information that was presented to us was old news. With the way the internet has been moving forward with such speed, videos like the on we saw are most of the time meaningless because the information they present is either old or the younger generation of students has already heard of it. In now way am I trying to say the video was useless, but I think a lot of the points touched on in the video have already been resolved in the industry. Bloggers are getting press credentials and we have seen blogs become even more important in the whole scheme of reporting the news.

I think that citizen journalism is extremely important to the spectrum of news because it keeps journalist on their feet. They are not able to cover everything they want or need to, so having citizens cover these issues is a good thing. People finding out the news is more important than making sure the people reporting it are true journalist. What is a "real" journalist. I always have had a hard time defining the word because I don't feel that you need a B.A. with the words "Journalism" on it for people to consider you a journalist. I have done investigative work for school that is most certainly journalism, but I have no graduated yet.

The way the internet has evolved over the last month, year, and years has made covering the news more in depth, more niche and much more video and audio driven...all of these things are good in my opinion. The more people who can report what they see on a daily basis, the more accurate or informed the public can become.

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