Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Agenda Setting Reaction

There is no question in my mind that agenda setting happens on a daily basis. However, I think that the idea is a little blown out of proportion because news channels do not have an endless amount of time to give the news to the viewers. There is no doubt that some stories get left out of the news segment because they are considered less interesting than others, but that is what the producer is supposed to decide. I understand that TV news has a tremendous roll on what people think about on a daily basis, but I don’t buy the idea that every single news program in the country thinks about their programming that intensely. There just isn’t enough time in the day to produce a news program that persuades and informs people with every story that you tell. Media outlets are looking for more eyeballs so they can pull in more advertising money, and if this means they show every single high-speed chase, well, I can’t really blame them. Different people have a different idea of what is important in the world. To me, it’s not so much agenda setting as it is a differing opinion on what is important in the world.

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